Monday, 29 December 2008

A Road Map For Your Success!!

Hi Guys and Welcome back...........

I hope you all had a Wonderful Christmas.........I certainly did........To much Turkey and Wine and now i'm feeling fat and groggy. Never mind with the New Year round the corner it means a fresh start and more walks and runs along the Beach.......Well maybe!!

This week I want to give you a Road Map for your success.......

Carrot and stick

This is the most traditional method of motivation and the reason that most of us goes to work; the employer pays us money and that is the carrot. However, you don't have to look far to see that research will demonstrate this to be one of the least effective means of motivating people. Give more money and expect people to work harder; it may be a theory, but does it work? Well if you pay people more money to do something they don't really want to do then you will probably simply be encouraging people to find ways to cut corners. Look into the soul and discover what motivates deep down.

Follow the crowd

It is difficult to rebel and easy to accept the intentions of others and just go with the flow. So if there is a general consensus on an issue at work, what is the motivation to be different? It will single you out and make you a focus that you weren't before you voted to be different. Most people go with the flow, either because they are ambivalent or because they simply don't feel strongly enough about the issue. So perhaps your route to self-development and success is by breaking against this mould; but you should be confident of your reasons before you do it.

Genuine Duty

Fulfilling a duty that you genuinely believe in makes us feel good. There is something quite fulfilling about discovering what is right and worth standing up for, and then deciding to 'do the right thing', regardless in some cases of the consequences. Doing the right thing should be recognised by co-workers and employers alike, but again, you should exercise caution when deciding on this course of action. You can be sure of a good night's sleep and a happier outlook if you do follow your sense of duty and do the right thing.

Integrity breeds respect Making the right choice and following your sense of what is right is a fundamental human characteristic that is not unanimous, and it takes effort to develop integrity. With the hard work of developing integrity will come the rewards. Those around you will trust and respect you more for having integrity, trust goes a long way to increasing your self-esteem as well. Following what is right is often the most difficult thing to do, and that is one of the reasons that people will respect you for it. Communication between people who trust each other is out of proportion with those who do not, and it is clear and effective communication that helps us progress as people and in all aspects business.

For more information please visit my self-help site at:

Friday, 19 December 2008

How To Improve Your Self-Esteem And Think You Are Great!!

Hi Guys.......Well it's not long before Christmas now and I still havn't finished my shopping......Oops! Better hurry and get those last minute bargains! Before I rush out I would like to give you a few tips on building Self-esteem....

Without confidence in yourself and confidence in your abilities to do what is being asked of you, you are going to find it more difficult to achieve success. By building your self-confidence and self-esteem you are making yourself much better prepared for success. There are some simple steps you can follow to help improve your self-esteem.

You, yourself and you

Grab a pencil and some paper and make a list, this is usually the best way to start a task, and this one is no different. The task here is about self-reflection so you should draw a line down the middle and start listing your positive and negative aspects, according to you, not other people. This not an opportunity for you to tackle all the issues you think of that are negative in your life, the emphasis is much more about developing areas of perceived weakness - these are not failings, just areas for development; and remember that if you are no honest then the task is meaningless.

Examine the negatives

Have a careful look at the criticisms you have levelled at yourself and start to develop them in more detail. There will probably be several layers to any perceived area for development and rarely will they be clear cut, or you would have solved them by now. So for example, if you think you are a bad timekeeper, ask why this is? It may be because you are easily distracted and have difficulties focussing on one task at a time.

Go away and come back again

Leave the list for a few days and come back to it later, you will see it in a whole new light, and bear in mind of course that this list could be redirecting your future, so it is important that you don't commit to it in one sitting. When you come back to it a few days later, look at it in the light of characteristics that you could develop personally and simply by changing the way you do things. Carefully examine what you considered to be negatives a few days ago and either reduce or expand on them, but with a fresh perspective.

Opposites are natural

Look at both sides of the list, where you have one issue for personal development growth, you may have an obvious negative, this is perfectly natural and in fact you should expect your characteristics to trade off against one another.

Life's not black and white What you may at first think to be a positive or negative trait may be the opposite in a different given situation. So if you are seeking success in a negotiation being hard-nosed and stubborn may be beneficial with one client, but not with another. So do not be too concerned about negatives always being black and white. Being laid back means less stress, but perhaps you miss deadlines as a result, each angle could be greyer than you think, and it is in finding the balance in different situations that you will begin to maximise your potential.

As always for more information please visit;

Thursday, 18 December 2008

How To Avoid Stress When Focusing On Your Goals!!

Today its now more important than ever to manage Stress so that we don't get burned out and become ill. Stress is called "The Silent Killer" and in its extreme form can be deadly!! Here a just a few ways to cope with stress if you feel you are getting bogged down at work ........

Workplace stress

In many ways this is the hardest type of stress to avoid, you may be working towards unachievable deadlines with a boss who doesn't seem to care, you may be influenced by factors outside your control, the financial markets have crashed and you have lost your client money through no fault of your own - these are all familiar tales. In many cases, workplace stress cannot be avoided, but it can be managed and minimised, and through these techniques you will build confidence and increase your chances of success.

One task - properly

Wherever possible work on one task at a time and see it through to the end. Mixing and matching lots of tasks all at the same time, and not being satisfied with any of them holistically is a bad thing. Maintain control of your workload by setting realistic goals and making sure you achieve them. Completing 50% of everything will not be appreciated by colleagues as much as doing a really good job on 100% of others just be very selective in the process of what you prioritise.

Deflect distractions, focus on achievement

Work colleagues who claim they have no time to do anything all day may be because they seem to spend all day chewing the fat with co-workers and not concentrating on the task at hand. People constantly asking for a quick minute or two are a distraction that will make you lose concentration and increase your stress levels. "No" is not a rude word, at times it may be necessary, or at least, 'not right now', just so you can complete the task at hand.

Have some fun

There is usually room for humour in most working activities, avoid this advice if you are work in a funeral director's or doctor's surgery but in most offices, a polite joke can relieve a stressful situation. You shouldn't make jokes at other people's expense but just a smile and a light hearted comment can go a long way sometimes. Many office workers will use little stress management tools on their desks, such as a squeezy ball, or they may just do a few stretches. All of this will lead to you feeling better about yourself at work, and this is all you need to be on that illusive path to achieving greater success.

The environment Is the working environment adding to the stress levels or reducing it? Relaxing piped music may be pleasant for some, but might drive other people completely nuts! Are the chairs in the right place to get natural light, is there too much noise? If you can make the working environment more pleasant then you will be in a better frame of mind to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Take some time out

Sometimes referred to as a "Hamlet" moment (from the cigar advertisements of years ago), even in the most stressful of situations you can go out of the room, take a big breath of fresh air and return reinvigorated a few minutes or seconds later. This kind of small break will often help you to add some perspective to the situation and make you realise that it is not as dramatic as you had at first thought

As always for more information please visit:

Monday, 15 December 2008

How To Set Realistic And Achievable Goals Whatever Your Age Is!!

Set good goals

There is little or no point in setting goals that you simply cannot achieve, you may never run the 100 metres in under 11 seconds, but you might lose the 5 pounds you are trying to! The beauty about setting goals is that you can se short, medium and long term goals for everything in life. Lose weight; develop a management vision for the company by Christmas, get fitter, earn more money, cut back on hours in the office, and so the list goes on. If you are interested in personal growth then the goals have to be achievable and they have to be measurable, otherwise you really won't be able to tell if you have achieved them or not.


The very fact that you can set goals for everything means that you might be too tough on yourself; you cannot improve everything about your life in one go, in one day or week. These things take careful consideration and planning, so make a list. Make the number one item on the list the most important and work your way down until you get to ten. Don't make the list too long or you will be setting yourself up for failure, and that in turn will damage your confidence. These lists are there not to put you under undue pressure, but to make you feel successful when you achieve them, it is a positive perspective that will get you through this


Not only must the goals be realistic, achievable and measurable, they should also be detailed, as this will help you improve your life and success in realising your dreams. So if the goal is simply to get fitter, then you need to identify how you will do that. Join a fitness club, but decide when you will be able to go (don't say 5 times a week if you know you can only do 3!).

Help along the way

Remember that the road to success is a road, a journey, not a moment, so you will need motivation along the way. If the milestone is time related then set intermediate points in time that will assist you in confirming that you are well on track to achieving your personal development goal. You would not want to work towards a weight loss limit over a period of several months and wait until the very last minute to weigh yourself; you need to keep a chart of the progress along the way. The same rules apply to other goals too.


You have set the conditions for success, you have planned, charted, organised - but now is the time to act. You will only grow spiritually and personally towards becoming more successful through action. Nothing ever got done by simply talking about it, someone always has to put that plan into action, and if it is yourself that you are developing then no-one else can do that for you - just yourself. Many people can help, but only you can make it happen

For more information please visit:

Thursday, 11 December 2008

How to Fulfill Your True Potential and Achieve Your Goals!

Hi Guys.......Today I would like to talk to you about fulfilling your Dreams.......

Set goals

Setting goals is the start of your road to success, without realistic and achievable goals, you won't get very far. Here you can investigate some tools that will help you better explore and improve your self confidence and really see your own personal growth.


This is the most under-developed skill in either relationships at home or at work. Listening is all too often a passive experience whereby you only take away what you want rather than what the other person wants you to. By developing your ability to listen carefully and attentively you will increased your own chances of meeting personal goals, you will also realise other people's. Listen and do not interrupt, and that way you can begin to earn the respect of others as they feel valued when talking to you. Interpret their wishes carefully and they will see the improvements in no time.

Little tokens

It is the often the small things in life that count, the tokens of appreciation and kindness. When you have listened carefully to someone and they happen to have told you that it was their wife's Birthday over the weekend, make a note of it and send a card the next year; the impact this will have will be huge. When someone mentions that their daughter has a cold, make a mental or physical note and ask them in a few days if the child is better. This costs nothing and is human instinct that does not come naturally to everyone, so nurture it and personal spiritual growth will follow, which is usually linked to success.

Measure success

In order to have achievable goals you have to be able to see and feel what you have achieved. A feel good goal is much more difficult to satisfy, so set a mark in the sand. When you reach a certain date on the calendar and you know you should have achieved a project timeline, or made a certain amount of profit, make sure you measure your progress against that milestone. Remember that you won't always succeed and failure is very much a part of the road to success, you will experience blips along the way, but as long as you are still achieving your objectives then you know you are on track.

Be positive

It is too easy to be critical and become a 'no' person rather than a 'yes' person. Always try to see the positive in people and in what they are doing, and this will not usually be easy. Some people are difficult, but if you can get past that and see the positive side of their motivations or personality then it will shine through in your approach to working and personal relationships. Misery is unhealthy, happiness rubs off on everyone around you, so spread the joy! There are plenty of statistics about the good a healthy smile can do to an atmosphere and many people simply do not smile enough. Smiles ease tensions and create a positive, successful mood.

For more Information please visit:

Monday, 8 December 2008

How to Organize Your Life Better by Using Time Management Skills.

Hi Guys........Today I would like to talk to you about organizing your time better and being more productive by using a concept called "Time Management"

Time Management

How often have you herd someone say that they don't have enough time to do something, that they are too busy and that there are not enough hours in the day? Time management is the key to improving success in your life, and with success will come increased self confidence and a general feeling that your development is aligned with your personal improvement goals. Here are a few tips that you may not have tried yet. Do tasks more thoroughly but less often. If you have to send a report every week and it takes a long time, would it be more efficient to send it every two weeks and just make it that little more detailed? It probably wouldn't take twice as long. Take a look at the clock and commit yourself to having something completed by a certain time, and make sure you meet the goal. Some tasks are only small and don't take long. Look closely at how many spare 15 minute periods you have in your day, and consciously use some of those to take care of the little tasks rather than building them all up and having more to do in one go. Don't work on tasks endlessly. If the task at hand seems to big to get started, commit yourself to only doing it for 15 or 20 minutes and see how much you can get done. Then come back to it later and try to improve on the work you did previously.

Small stages of development

Success and personal growth and development will not and usually can not be an instant result. It is a process, a journey that should be savoured and no endured. If you examine all the different aspects of your working and personal life and see areas that you think could be altered for the better, then try to make small improvements. Just one notch of improvement can go a long way to making the 'whole' better. There is usually room for improvement even to a small degree in almost everything we do, so look closely and make that small change. Spend 10 minutes each day focussing one thing that interests you and don't be distracted by anything else; soon enough you will be a complete expert on that one thing. This is a sure fire way to develop your personal self confidence, through acquiring knowledge and experience. If you can spend one hour each week studying in your chosen profession or skill you will see a notable difference over a month or two. It is not dissimilar to exercise, when you go for your first run, the next few runs are all painful and the progress is frustratingly slow, but after a few months the small increments of training pull together and the end result is huge. If you can dedicate the last minutes of each day to planning the next day, you will find that not only do things run more smoothly the next day, but that you will fee more confident in what you are doing at work.

For more information please visit:

Friday, 5 December 2008

How To Focus Your Mind For Success!!

Hi Guys and welcome back!

Today I would like to help you learn how to focus your Mind to help you improve your success in every aspect of your life.


Success is what everyone wants, but how can you get it. There are three key strategies to ensure your road to success. You first need to acknowledge that as the cliché states, 'Success doesn't happen overnight." Success is a process and not a singular event in time, so you must embrace the journey of discovery that is the finding your own personal recipe for success, success is something that once you think you have obtained, you can go on developing, so it is also not a destination. Success is about growing as a person, so you need to go through that process, which may take time and patience. Acquiring skills and traits that attract success is part of the process and expanding your skills base will only lead to personal and even spiritual growth. Prepare yourself for success. You must be ready to travel the road. As long you recognise that it is a process then you can better adjust for disappointments along the way, which there will be. But once you start seeing the benefits of your personal investment, you will recognise that you are starting to success in attaining your goals.


By fine tuning your leadership skills you stand a significantly increased chance of achieving tangible success in the workplace. Here are a few tips on how to improve your personal leadership attributes. There are always lessons to be learned from every situation, and if you can focus on those learned form previous experiences the next time something happens, then your personal performance will improve each time. Sharpen the performance of your people. People are the most important part of any organisation and time spent maximising their potential is time that is rarely wasted. An employee who feels valued will work harder for you and the company. Clear communication is the key to maximising time and performance. If people know what you want then they will deliver a better produce, mixed messages make for an unpleasant atmosphere is uncertainty. Clearer communication will improve the self-confidence of those around you to perform better.

Attraction is important

If you want other people, employees and clients, to like you, then you have to begin to like yourself first. Being liked is important no matter what you think. You are less likely to get the contract if they people on the other side of the desk don't like you. This does not mean pander to them and appear weak, it means being genuinely self-confident in your reflections on your own self. The key to success here is reading the other people and treating them as you would like to be treated yourself. As you build self confidence in this area, you will see your success increasing proportionally. Don't think that all people will like you, all of the time, this simply won't happen. If someone appears not to like you, it may have nothing to do with you as a person; it may merely be a misconception of the environment you are working in. Focus on the positives and make them work for you.

How to Develop Your Vision, Develop Yourself!!

Hi Guys and welcome back,

Today I would like to talk to you about developing your "Mind Vision" and how it can be used to strengthen you.

How do you start?

The first goal in developing yourself in to identify the areas where you believe you may have a need for growth; and everyone has room for personal growth in some areas. It would be a mistake to think that you have failings that is not the same as reflecting on areas of your personal and professional life that could be developed, it is all a part of learning and a step on the pyramid of success. So sit down with a piece of paper and write down areas that you think you lack confidence and those will be the areas you can focus on.

Self-confidence and knowledge

Often in life and in work, people may lack self confidence in a given area, and this is perfectly natural and in many cases healthy. Over confidence can be dangerous for relationships and in the workplace. Self confidence grows with increased knowledge. Many entrepreneur success stories are borne out of individuals really doing detailed research about a subject or profession and becoming entirely comfortable with that aspect of their lives, and through that knowledge they gain confidence. This is not a recipe for guaranteed success, but it is the base line and working hard and finding out as much as you can about your profession or skill can never be a bad thing. Success rarely arrives at the doorstep of those who are not willing to work for it, so knuckle down and use this as a tip for success.

Expectations and actions

Stress and unmet expectations are causes for real concern in the process of self-development, which is where we can introduce the concept of the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule states that you should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In basic terms, treat other people as you would like to be treated by them and you should be a generally happier and more fulfilled individual. This does involve you becoming more involved with people you interact with in the workplace. Difficulties in developing inter-personal relationships in the workplace can be barriers to success, so if you think that may apply, identify it in detail and start to rectify the situation; gain confidence in your inter-personal relationships at work and start seeing the increased success that follows.

Happiness and self-esteem

The western world has long since accepted that there is a developed relationship between happiness and self-esteem, so one without the other is difficult to achieve. The process of developing this psychology of improvement of these critical areas is worth examining on a personal level. Self esteem can be gained through a number of avenues; perhaps you need to dress for success, put on a new suit and feel the part, gaining increased self confidence in the process. Perhaps being better qualified is your route to success and happiness through better self esteem, get on a training course and gain a qualification relative to your work.

You can't buy success - but it may help!

There is a whole market out there for self-improvement books, personal growth reviews and spiritual growth workshops. Investing in any of these avenues could prove really worthwhile for you. Contact a mentor, try out a workshop, find out that there are other people out there striving to achieve their self-development goals too.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

How To Achieve Your Personal Goals!!

What is it? Before exploring how you can best maximise your own personal self confidence and discover your key to success, it is important to gain a better understanding of what self-development really is and how, through a process of spiritual growth, you can perhaps improve on your marketability. Self-development is all about taking on your own perspective about yourself and examining how and why you do things the way you do. Once you have carefully analysed this and taken responsibility for your own actions, you can begin on the road to a personal development plan. Take some time to reflect on your life, your successes but also your failures, and take action to reinforce the positives and eliminate the negative. Useful Techniques You will find the process of self-development rewarding because if you use these techniques constantly you will remain a marketable force in your workplace, your career direction for the future will become clearer, and your financial success and self confidence will grow alongside your personal development. This all sounds quite easy, doesn't it? But how do you physically analyse aspects of your own life? The simplest starting point is to take up a pen and paper and write down where you think you have areas for personal improvement and growth. This can be a revealing task as you will unveil areas of your personality where you may suffer form self-confidence issues. Perhaps you may consider taking up a self improvement course, or read a personal growth book, all of which are readily available online; and often associated with articles about internet marketing success. Write find a mission, identify a vision. Develop your own personal life mission and vision statement for the future and focus on achieving those goals through improving your confidence and self-development on a daily basis. Set targets for change that are achievable, realistic and tangible so that you can track your progress. Often these targets and personal development focal points are difficult to achieve on your own. Many people grow spiritually, financially and successfully by finding a mentor and tailoring their lives and experiences to meet their own. Mentors can be friends and colleagues or paid consultants, but they can equally be people you don't know but who have achieved similar personal transitions in life and become successful as a result. You may find personal growth books are the answer to your problems of not realising your potential, and that is the key, everyone is capable of self-development, everyone is capable of more, you just have to find the way that is right for you. Knowledge is power Keeping up to date with your trade through professional journals and magazines and through a continual process of self-education is the route to success. There is no shortcut, or everyone would be blindingly successful. If you know what you are talking about you will have hugely increased levels of self confidence and personal growth will follow naturally. So do your research, not only about specific routes for self-development and personal growth, but also for professional growth and personal skills development.

Friday, 14 November 2008

How to Feel Happier - Discover 5 Secrets to Feeling Happier

Hi Guys and welcome back,

Today I would like to give you some thoughts about "Being Happy".

It's not always easy to admit when we're not feeling happy.
We can feel like we're a failure - or perhaps like letting down
those close to us. After all, if we look around at everything we
have, we might conclude that we should feel happy. Yet we often
don't. And then we feel guilty about it, which makes things even

So what can you do about it?
The good news is that there's a simple solution to help you feel
happier right now. And it takes less than 5 minutes.

Are you ready to discover the 5 secrets of how to feel happier now?

Get Moving And Smile
When you're feeling unhappy, it's not just in your head. It's a
physical thing, too.

One of the easiest ways to feel happier right now is to change your

Either standing or sitting, have a stretch and a yawn. Keep your
back straight and your head up (all within your own comfortable
range, of course).

Now for the icing on the cake: give a big smile.
When we smile, it releases endorphins, which are nature's way of
giving us a happy boost. Our body doesn't care if the endorphins
are triggered by the mind / emotions or the body, so smiling for
about a minute will give you an instant happiness boost.
Drink A Large Glass Of Water

Sometimes when we're feeling low, it's simply because we're
dehydrated. Yet often our automatic response is to reach for a mug
of tea or coffee.

How about giving this one a go: drink a large glass of cool water.
Don't swig it down or sip it for hours. Just drink it over the
course of a couple of minutes. If you can manage a pint, that's
great. Within 5 minutes, it will lift your mood.

Take A Deep Breath

When we're feeling unhappy, we slouch, which prevents our diaphragm
and lungs from working properly.
Sit up straight and put your hand on your stomach, just below your
rib cage. Imagine you are breathing in to your hand, at the bottom
of your lungs.

As you breathe in, your chest will expand, pushing your hand
outwards. As you breathe out, your chest will get smaller and your
hand comes back in. Most of us do this back to front!
Do this for just 1 full minute and you'll notice the difference as
you reoxygenate your body and release tension.
Get Into A Happy Memory
Close your eyes for a moment and think back to a time when you felt
really happy. Spend a few moments getting back into that
experience. What can you see? What can you feel? What can you hear?
What can you smell? What can you taste? Just allow those happy
feelings to wash over you and stay with the experience for as long
as you feel comfortable.
Decide: "What Do I Want Instead?"
We seem to love telling ourselves a story about how awful or
annoying things are. It's as though we're creating our own, private
soap opera, cranking up the drama with each cycle, as the story
goes round and round in our heads.
The problem is that this leaves us feeling lousy.
The solution is simple. Press pause on the mental story and ask
yourself, "What do I want instead?"
Right at this moment, the "how" isn't important. What matters is
gently allowing yourself to shift to thinking about what you want
instead, so you can move towards that.
These 5 ideas might sound simple, yet they are highly effective
ways to feel happier, fast.

Bottom line?
Applying any of these 5 happiness techniques will help you feel
happier right away.
Are you ready to go through them in more detail, for maximum impact?
Then I invite you to check out How-To-Feel-Happier now
to claim your in-depth guide "5 Ways To Feel Happier Now" and free
MP3 downloads.
Are you ready to feel happier now?

From Clare Josa, seminar leader, expert coach and Chief Happiness
Experimenter at How To Feel Happier.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Personal Growth - Understanding Yourself Better!!

Last week, I was lucky enough to travel to Canada on
business.........And boy was it cold over there!! I was walking
the streets with a huge overcoat on with scarf and gloves and a
wooly hat , and still the cold wind was unbearable. Still everyone
was very friendly and full of Halloween Cheer.

I feel very blessed to be able to travel the world due to my
business and have experienced many wonderful Cultures and Religions
and have met some amazing people on my journey. I have also
witnessed some very distressing sights , for example penniless
children in India begging for money........A very heart wrenching
sight and something that lives with you forever. It does, however,
make you appreciate what you have in your own life and to be
respectful of others and to grab and cherish each and every day!!!

When it comes to personal growth, there are no specific formulas
that you can follow in order to achieve success. As every person
differs, so does their personal goals and priorities. There are
also varying strengths and weaknesses that are consequent to an
individual's personality. However, there are basic steps that can
lead to a more successful and fulfilling personal growth.

Start From Within Yourself

The key to personal growth is evaluating yourself first. Getting
acquainted with yourself is the first step towards achieving
personal success. When people hear of others' success story, they
instantly apply it on themselves only to realize that it failed to

In your efforts for personal change, focus on improving that
self-awareness. Determine at what point of your life you are right
now and how far (or near) it is from where you want to be. Then,
you can devise ways to further your efforts toward personal growth
and success.

Work On Your Attitude

One way of improving your attitude, whether in your personal life
or working relationships, is determining your strengths and
weaknesses. This will enable you to become more effective in
dealing with society and all the others who inhabit it. When you
are able to work harmoniously with people around you, it also
increases your level of esteem. Consequently, you are not only
effective in your working relationship but also assisted in your
efforts for personal growth.

Regardless of your current state, your attitude will provide the
means to achieve whatever goals you have set for yourself. Whether
you improve your attitude through professional counseling or
through support from your family, friends, or co-workers, it will
certainly boost your emotional health and create positive mental

A positive attitude is not just fundamental in your business'
success but also creates a more holistic individual.

Tools for Personal Growth

As much as humans never ceasing growing physically, one should
continually strive for personal growth at every opportunity as
well. Change is not enough to say that you achieve personal growth.
It is a mindset that enables you to surpass the everyday struggles
and remain on the positive side. Here are ways to get out of a
crisis and continue aiming for continued growth:

1.Do not dwell on the negative. Instead, focus on what you can do
to improve your current situation.

2.Live a healthy lifestyle. Improving the state of your health
caters for a more healthier outlook in life. Your physical and
mental being should always couple each other. Therefore, you have
to make a conscious effort to watch what you eat or drink and lead
a healthy lifestyle.

3.Determine your purpose in life. Once you have done this, you are
able to focus your energy on more essential activities that will
bring fulfillment to your life.

4.Have fun. No matter what you are doing or what choices you make
in life, just learn how to enjoy yourself. Aside from the fact that
it takes the burden off your shoulder, you can use this as a
motivation when faced with obstacles you need to overcome.

5.Set personal goals. In business, it is often said that you need
to create personal goals aside from your business goals. It enables
you to stay motivated despite of the hardships that you need to
face. Meanwhile, it also provides a higher level of fulfillment
once you have achieved those goals. Lastly, goals enable you to
determine on which direction to aim, or what steps to take to be
able to further your efforts toward personal growth and success.

About the Author
Hi, my name is Larry Rivera. I am a successful Internet Network
Marketer. Are you in a network marketing company? Are you making
money? If you keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting
what you are getting. Wanna change that?

Monday, 27 October 2008

How to Build on Your Success by Becoming More Decisive

Are you the type of person that makes decisions quickly or do you find it difficult to make your mind up? When it comes to getting a job done and meeting a deadline your success can depend on the ability to be decisive. Many people fail to meet deadlines because of indecision. Not only do they let people affect their ability to make prompt and definite decisions but they hesitate due to factors involving their own decisiveness.

Procrastination is a weakness that many of us may face on a daily basis. The ability to be decisive when it comes to avoiding distractions is important if you are to succeed in reaching your potential. Too many people make excuses for not chasing their goals early on in life continuously putting there dreams to one side and saying they will come back to them when "the time is right". However, you only have a chance of succeeding in reaching those aims if you start acting immediately.

The biggest achievers of this world have shown that their success comes from quick decisive action and the ability to take stock of situations when things do not go to plan and to change decisions when necessary. Henry Ford was an example of someone who used his decision making ability to full effect. Some might say he was so determined when he made a decision that he was stubborn. His model T car was made despite the advice of many of his staff who said it would be the ugliest car around. Although this turned out to be partly correct and the car was not as successful as other models, Ford still stuck to his guns and made a fortune from the model. Now, regardless of what would have happened if he had scrapped it, Ford showed that by being strong minded and decisive he was able to make something succeed that most people doubted.

To become more decisive you need to be able to ignore the opinions of others. If you want to make sacrifices and chase your dream doing something that satisfies your inner desires, you need to listen to your self and no one else. Friends and family may try to discourage you from your goals as they may think they know what is best for you. However, your burning desire to succeed at something should be all the encouragement you need to take those first steps towards achieving immediate goals.

One major problem with the education system is that it does not teach the youth about the working world enough. Too many students work their hearts out trying to get the best grades they can only to find that they have no idea what to do with themselves after graduating. Schools, colleges and universities do not encourage people to make decisions before they finish studying and so the habit of indecision stays with people as they go into work. It may be necessary to take any job straight away after leaving your studies behind you whilst you think about what you want to do with your future. However, many will find that they are stuck in that same job a year or more later and are unable to climb the career ladder.

You need to find the courage to make a definite decision about your future. You should sit down and analyse yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, what you think you are capable of and what you want to achieve in life. Then you must do your own research and not be held back by others or hold yourself back by procrastinating.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Discover Your True Potential!!

Hi Guys and welcome back,

It’s all over the news. Life Coaching has become a trend and it’s because it works.
Wherever you look, it seems like most everybody has a Life Coach or Business Coach, and I believe it’s a wonderful idea as procrastination and lack of guidance are two of the major problems that interfere when we want to achieve our goals in life.

When we have somebody hold us accountable for our progress it is much easier to see results.

The problem for many is cost. I know people who could greatly benefit from a Life Coach but just can’t afford one… is that you?If so, you are in for a big treat.

I discovered a program that includes not just accurate and easy to understand information about manifesting your dream life, but a personal coach that holds your hand and guides you along the way… and all of this for an incredible price!

I sincerely thought it was a mistake, so I contacted Tamara to ask about her new eProgram and the cost of it. To my delight, she said the website was accurate, and she would definitely coach me for seven weeks, all for… just $47!!!

Wow! I had to take advantage of that, so I did.Now, like every one of my reviews, honesty comes first. So here is my opinion...


The eProgram is excellent. It is divided in 3 parts: an ebook, a workbook and one-on-one coaching for the duration of the eProgram.

The information presented in the ebook is clear and very straight forward. No filler, fluff or confusing information. The eProgram –as she calls it- is separated in seven sections called modules.

You’re supposed to complete the program in seven weeks, one module per week homework included. The workbook is also great. I knew when to complete every section according to what I was working on that particular week.

The best part was the personalized coaching… every time I got stuck or needed clarification, Tamara was just an e-mail away and I could tell she knows her stuff. And to my surprise, she was always prompt to reply… I really don’t know how she does it!


The coaching is only through e-mail, which may be an issue for problems that require deeper exploration. However, if you have never tried coaching and would like to see if it is for you, I highly recommend you start with Tamara’s approach.

After all, if you need help with other issues or more personal time after the seven weeks, she’s always available for longer coaching sessions through the phone. You can contact her for more details about her coaching practice.

To summarize, I can assure you that “Discover Your Potential” is well worth it and I highly recommend it to start seeing results in your life now!

Visit now and see for yourself...

Discover Your Potential

Until next time

Friday, 10 October 2008

"The Secret" and the Science of Getting Rich

Hi Guys and welcome back!

Have you heard of the DVD called "the Secret"? Well it isn't such a secret anymore. The DVD was released in March 2006 and according to Time Magazine, the DVD has sold 500,000 units within the first 6 months. Today it sells well over 5,000 copies a day! It ranked in Amazon's Top-5 sellers during Christmas week; and a tie-in hardcover book just entered the Top 10 on the New York times bestseller list.

The amazing thing about "the Secret" is that you won't find it in your local Blockbuster or Barnes and Noble, it is selling briskly through new-age bookstores, New Thought churches like Unity and AGape and the official website at "It's become the biggest selling item in the 30-year history of our store," says Harmony Rose Allor, a buyer at West Hollywood's popular metaphysical bookshop, The Bodhi Tree. it is "word-of-mouth" marketing at it best.

So what is the secret to "the Secret's" success? It's is a "transformational movie", where a person's view on life and the laws of life will no longer be the same after watching this movie. In a sense, it has created the same kind of effect as "the Da Vinci Code" and the 2004 hit cult movie "What the Bleep Do We Know". The movie has created such waves that it has already been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live and the Ellen DeGeneres show.

At the core of the movie is a central philosophy called "the Law of Attraction". In fact, the movie itself was inspired by this very same law when the producer read a book called "the Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. This books was written in 1910!

This philosophy states that we create our reality, both good and bad! The message is delivered through 24 "teachers" which include prosperity preachers, chiropractic healers, relationship gurus, life coaches and motivational speakers — into one clear, cohesive voice. The movie is a "must watch" for anyone interested in taking charge of their life and in creating the life of their dreams.

Following on the success of the Secret, 3 of the core teachers - namely Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have collaborated to produce a wealth building program called "the Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar". This program is based on the book that inspired the movie and is set to make history as the fastest selling personal development program in history.

What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich." The Science of Getting Rich is all about teaching how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth.

The success of this program is built on several rock solid foundations. These factors include: the phenomenal success of "the Secret", the timeless concepts from the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, the credibility of successful personal improvement teachers and New Thought leaders of our time, and the Internet as the distribution medium.

Click here to learn more about the Secret of Getting Rich Seminar and it's affiliate program.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

How to Use the Power of Creative Imagination For Your Success

We live in a modern age where the use of our imaginations is so important to making a success of our lives. Any new idea that is dreamed up, whether it involves a new invention, the writing of a song or the design of a new car, they all involve the process of realising the power of the desire to succeed and then the application of the creative part of the brain to develop the idea.

It is the creative imagination in us that has led the human race to civilisation. Without it we would not be able to take to the skies by plane, communicate around the world by phones or explore space with scientific technology. The development of the modernised world certainly would not have happened without the power of the human imagination.

We use the creative imagination and dream up new ideas due to inspiration. Through this part of the mind you are able to communicate with the subconscious minds of others which can bring out their imagination allowing you to cooperate in brainstorming ideas and communicating more efficiently. Brains are more receptive when fuelled by a strong burning desire and positive emotions that motivate you towards achieving your goals. People from all kinds of backgrounds develop their imaginations in this way from successful businessmen to famous artists.

You may become more aware of the creative imagination by trying to use it more regularly. The most important thing to remember if you are to become more successful in using your imagination is that you need to know what you want in life. Take time to write down exactly what you desire, what you want to achieve in your life, what you need to make you happy, and how you can go about getting it. Put your aims on paper and pin them to a wall where you will see them regularly. Focus all your desire, determination and faith on immediate goals that will take you step by step towards achieving your main objectives and be persistent in chasing your dreams. By reminding yourself of the journey you want to take in life and focusing your mental energy on thinking of ways you can go about getting there your subconscious mind should eventually start to offer you the routes to success. You are then on the way to making use of your creative imagination.

You cannot put a price on goods ideas. People have made themselves incredibly wealthy through making practical uses for their ideas, or even selling them, purely by developing the use of their imaginations. In this world there are people who have ideas and then there are people who can put them into action.

Sometimes you just cannot put a price on a good idea. The story of pretty much every great fortune starts with the forming of ideas through the use of the creative imagination and then the selling of the idea. There are people who have the ideas and people who can put them into action. Some successful businessmen have both of these kinds of people at their aid to help with the things they knew less about. Unlike people, ideas have the potential to live on, sometimes through many generations. Christianity is an obvious example. The chief tenet "do unto others as you would have others do unto you" has been central to the morality of countless people and will continue to be indefinitely.

Steve Betsworth is an Internet Marketer who runs a website which currently offers a free five day e-course and an introductory video which explains not only the principles in this article in more detail, but more methods of finding success. The website is

Please click now to find out how you can achieve future success:

How to Use Desire As the Basis For Achieving All Your Goals

All of the great achievers throughout history have one thing in common. They have all been dreamers or desirers. If anyone is to achieve their goals in life then the first thing they need to do is establish what their desires are. That's what makes people who are highly successful different from the rest - they know exactly what they want in life.

Simply wishing for success is insufficient. If anyone is to make any steps towards their definite objectives then they need to have a determined attitude, bordering on obsession, to fulfil that desire. It does not matter what your desire is. It may be a desire to excel in business, it could be a desire to learn a new skill, or it could involve a desire to change aspects of your personal life.

Whatever desire a person has, it will only be fulfilled if some of the following actions are taken. Firstly a person must realise what it is they need to make them content with their lives and give themselves step by step aims. Then they need to consider how much work they need to put in if they are ever to begin achieving those aims. Next they should set a deadline for reaching their final goal and then create a plan with a timeline highlighting how and when they will go about their tasks. This knowledge must be updated and read out regularly to keep a person on track to satisfying their desire.

All who achieve great things adopt a similar philosophy when setting themselves goals. The best writers, artists, sportsmen, inventors, musicians and scientists, along with many other pioneers of modern professions, all follow the process of putting their thoughts into action successfully when backed by a burning desire. Everyone, no matter what their chosen path in life may be, will start in the same situation with nothing but their thoughts and desires to spur them on.

Many people lack self confidence and are unwilling to set their aims higher through fear of failing. This sometimes develops due to people close to them discouraging them because they feel they are unrealistic with their goals and life choices. It may be that friends and family do not approve and so use ridicule to prevent their loved one from making what they feel is a mistake.

However, these people need to realise that we live in a world that continually throws us new and unique opportunities. The world only became modernised with the efforts of the creative and productive generations before us. Without the burning desire that these people had we might never have discovered the power to travel abroad by plane, communicate with the other side of the world by phone, order something from overseas by the net. With the development of technology and the industrialisation of the world, we now have more job opportunity and diversity than we have ever had.

The time for everyone to realise their dreams is now. We must continue to follow the same methods of pioneers before us by taking the courage to act upon our thoughts with conviction and fulfil our burning desires. It is important that all negative influences are avoided. There is no excuse for procrastination, and laziness. It is easy for people to say they want to achieve but in reality they will only start to realise their goals once they take those first steps in which they make a plan outlining the route to success.

Everyone has to start somewhere and not everything will go to plan. What is fundamental to success is that a person is not discouraged by initial failure. Most people who have claimed to have 'made it' in life will also be the first to admit that they had failures along the way. With every failure comes the chance to learn something new for another opportunity.

All achievements no matter how significant they are to others begin with a burning desire to get the result intended. In the human mind there is a power that is hard to explain. It is the ability to focus positive thoughts on achieving the thing that is wanted most. Success is sometimes a thing that at first seems impossible. When a burning desire in a person is so strong the word impossible loses significance.

For more information please visit:

Saturday, 27 September 2008

The Secret To Think And Grow Rich

Hi There and welcome to my Blog!!

A short while ago I was introduced to a little book that was claimed, by my friend, to have changed peoples lives dramatically. This little book was called Think And Grow Rich and was written way back in 1937 by a man named Napolean Hill. I started to read this book and soon saw the power within it almost straight away. In this book, Napolean Hill describes a sequence of steps necessary in order to achieve personal success. Written in the book is "The Secret".

It is because of this it's been handed down from generation to generation and generally considered only for, well, the 'elite'. That's why I've annoyed a lot of people off. That's also why I felt I had to bring this to the attention of those brave enough to dream big. People like you.

Revealed: Probably the biggest red herring in history! While the population works their asses off for peanuts, the "secret" elite play a different game with different rules...

Are you feeling a little cheated and disillusioned with your life? You should be! Because whilst 99.9% of the population "follow the herd" and lead lives they're taught they should do - ie go to school, get a job and work hard, die broke - the "elite" play a whole different game. They don't work hard, yet they earn more money in a month than most do in a lifetime of hard slog.

Don't believe me? Then how about this....

Did you know that there are more millionaires being created and at a faster rate then ever in history! In fact so many people are achieving huge success that there is a shortage of million dollar homes. A shortage! You may think that they have some sort of advantage over you. Some sort of special skill or qualification. They don't. And trust me that's a good thing.

You see whilst those destined for a mundane life of mediocrity dismiss millionaires as being "lucky" and continue to work in jobs they hate, those of us who know the truth realise that there are only a few differences, or "secrets" if you will, that the real successful people use to attain wealth and live their dreams.

These are the exact same secrets that Richard Branson and Bill Gates have attributed to their wealth. Anthony Robbins and even President's of the United States used them to spread success to others. They fully admit they they used them to get to the top. Every single successful person on the planet used them too. Film stars, pop stars, politicians, millionaires, CEO's....all of them used these secrets to get to the top of their game. Some without even realising it!

The "elite" are not only privy to these secrets, but they use them to attain wealth and success, dare I say it, "magically". That is exactly what it seems when these are applied. The principles have been proven time and time again, over a period of decades, and have been used by over five hundred self made millionaires for over a century!

For more information on learning "The Secret" within the Think And Grow Rich book, please visit: