Friday, 19 December 2008

How To Improve Your Self-Esteem And Think You Are Great!!

Hi Guys.......Well it's not long before Christmas now and I still havn't finished my shopping......Oops! Better hurry and get those last minute bargains! Before I rush out I would like to give you a few tips on building Self-esteem....

Without confidence in yourself and confidence in your abilities to do what is being asked of you, you are going to find it more difficult to achieve success. By building your self-confidence and self-esteem you are making yourself much better prepared for success. There are some simple steps you can follow to help improve your self-esteem.

You, yourself and you

Grab a pencil and some paper and make a list, this is usually the best way to start a task, and this one is no different. The task here is about self-reflection so you should draw a line down the middle and start listing your positive and negative aspects, according to you, not other people. This not an opportunity for you to tackle all the issues you think of that are negative in your life, the emphasis is much more about developing areas of perceived weakness - these are not failings, just areas for development; and remember that if you are no honest then the task is meaningless.

Examine the negatives

Have a careful look at the criticisms you have levelled at yourself and start to develop them in more detail. There will probably be several layers to any perceived area for development and rarely will they be clear cut, or you would have solved them by now. So for example, if you think you are a bad timekeeper, ask why this is? It may be because you are easily distracted and have difficulties focussing on one task at a time.

Go away and come back again

Leave the list for a few days and come back to it later, you will see it in a whole new light, and bear in mind of course that this list could be redirecting your future, so it is important that you don't commit to it in one sitting. When you come back to it a few days later, look at it in the light of characteristics that you could develop personally and simply by changing the way you do things. Carefully examine what you considered to be negatives a few days ago and either reduce or expand on them, but with a fresh perspective.

Opposites are natural

Look at both sides of the list, where you have one issue for personal development growth, you may have an obvious negative, this is perfectly natural and in fact you should expect your characteristics to trade off against one another.

Life's not black and white What you may at first think to be a positive or negative trait may be the opposite in a different given situation. So if you are seeking success in a negotiation being hard-nosed and stubborn may be beneficial with one client, but not with another. So do not be too concerned about negatives always being black and white. Being laid back means less stress, but perhaps you miss deadlines as a result, each angle could be greyer than you think, and it is in finding the balance in different situations that you will begin to maximise your potential.

As always for more information please visit;

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